Thursday, February 24, 2011

Terminus for thought...

So was busy thinking about my terminus lists that I've been running through my head and I stumbled across a few things that might in fact actually be pretty useful with Termy that people might not have considered before :) First idea was provided to me by which inspired me with their terminus theme army and ended up thinking of a scavenger army with terminus, you know the surgeons, the techs, and one that I like to think thats used to gather necrotite, the helldiver! The helldiver is something appealing to me with termy as sure they aren't guarenteed assassination piece by 2 working together sure can get the job done, or even terminus and a helldiver can make a swell team! The helldiver is a heat seeking missle that can barely be stopped unless I let them and once he has the caster in his sights pop up and headbutt or slam as needed :) This lets the second helldiver nom the casters face off, or terminus worry about buy swing rather than boosting hits. Next up on the terminus thoughts comes the reaper. I realize he is often neglected from the small litter that terminus likes to bring (much like the helldiver hehe). The reaper can get the most out of having ravager placed on him except compared to nightmare >.< But the important part of this whole plan is the fact that terminus loves to extend his charge distance and I hate mercs with a passion so no madelyn. If the reaper moves ahead of termy hopefully 6-8 inches ahead, and turns around to face termy (dun dun DUNNN) The reaper hopefully with 2 focus and puppet strings (shouldn't be too hard of a set up as WSC is in almost all my lists) The reaper boosts hit needs 9 on 3 dice.... so needs an average roll and puppet strings as needed. Next up we have the hardest part DMGing Terminus... If terminus gave away 2 focus and kept the rest with no souls *Yet* The reaper would need 11 to dmg terminus average again being 9 so kinda hard but with puppet strings that should most likely not have been needed the roll is actually pretty obtainable. Termy moves 6-8in up to the reaper and then can fly/charge 9in + 2in reach giving me a maximum of about 20in if all things go swell.... Kinda optimistic perhaps but I think its a clutch move that in my darkest hour might just shine brilliantly.... or crash in a blazing glory. Well sorry for the rambling, insomnia + stress = disarranged thoughts.
If anyone is listening I'd like to hear your thoughts on these ideas, I realize they aren't the conventional thoughts and I won't deny the fact that I am totally trying to be a unique snowflake terminus army, DEAL WITH IT =)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Withershadow Combine!

Man do I love this unit. Its simply a unit stuffed full of awesomeness on an undead platter. The WSC have always been very useful in my games and I unlike many of my cryxian brothers for some reason or another, have had a really really easy time making jacks with them :) Of course none of this could be accomplished without the help of Captain Pointy (Reaper). I finally decided that I would brave them and painted them all up but unfortunately I am far too cross eyed / lazy to take photos of them right now. Next up on the block will most likely be scrap thrall and necrotech to help practice undead skin tones for my mechanithrall unit. Any suggestions on a good yellowish brown flesh tone would be awesome! 

P.S. I finally bought a little drill and  brass rods and have been enjoying pinning my models thoroughly :) I finally found a use for some spare ogres that I had from my Beastmen army and have been testing there strength by picking them up and dropping them and they lived! Finally GW Product is worth something :p

Monday, February 14, 2011

Iron Agenda Blog Network

 So I finally decided that its time to try and have some people actually following this blog and decided that IABN would be a great start. After pretty much no work on my behalf thanks to Dave I am all set and hopefully posting on IABN this very moment! In other news I hope to get back to playing this weekend and am about half way done painting the withershadow combine. Next I need to learn how to paint undead flesh as I have a bunch of mechanithralls just begging for some coats in paint. So yea not that great of an update but more of test. :p

Friday, February 11, 2011

Pictures again :) (Absurd amount!)

Yep finally got the stupid face camera to cooperate! I am pretty excited at the progress of all the models, they have all been washed and the new guys are down at the bottom :). I need to learn a good highlighting technique followed by some better basing skills and I think these guys will look phenominal! Anyways enough about lying to myself to make me feel better time for the proof.

Phantom Colt

The Bastard and his pretty lady!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Bastard Lives!

Yup thats right I finally painted the big man himself. Not gonna lie he looks pretty sweet from a distance.... Not so hot up close but for once I tried painting every detail on the model so for a first attempt I am quite pleased and he does look good close up just a few major flaws that irritate me... Next up should hopefully be the Withershadow Combine which I am hoping will end up being pretty awesome since they too make pretty much every single list I make alongside of captain pointy! Once again I apologize for no pics as of yet but the stupid camera is busy being a big stupid face >:(  The deathwalker is half done... I managed to bs a pretty decent zombie skin tone and now I need black paint to fix up her robe and then do the flame scheme that I have decided to do on all clothing in my army :) As I continue to paint I want to play more which frustrates me as I haven't found a LGS for warmachine :( I keep playing vassal here and there but since a friend of mine is borrowing my rulebook for like the past 3 weeks I haven't felt right about playing without being able to check a rule so no to cheat anyone... So I haven't been playing and probably won't be playing for quite a while... :(

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Yup I finally painted my lil pistoleer as I continue to try and paint all my models. Also today I bought 2 washes and have liberally washed all of my cryx and now I need to learn to do highlights and then my models will be complete :) The pistol wraith was something lazy and fun for me as I chose to do a lot of drybrushing pretty much the whole model except the pistols. Unfortunately.... I can't get the camera to work so pictures of the lil spook will have to wait... :( But as an important sidenote I got frustrated with the crappyness that is goreshades model and decided to flip his sword over and will be adding a skull to his gimpy hand to hopefully make him a lil cooler. The deathwalker I merely added a gravestone to her base to make her seem less tiny :)

Sadly the worst part of all this progress has reminded me that I have painted only a single model that I use in goreshade's army.... =(  (poor lonely captain pointy)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Lists :)

 So I feel bad not having anything to post in a while. I haven't done much to be honest I stopped worrying about my poor painting skill and began working on goreshade, so far I am pleased. On that note I shall post my Bastard lists :) as well as a sneak peak to who I believe may become my secondary caster.

Goreshade list 15
+6 Goreshade
9pts Seether
3pts Helldiver
5pts WSC
3pts pistol wraith
1pt necrotech

5pts 6 banes (Feat)

Goreshade list 25
3pts 6 mechs
2pts 1 surgeon
2pts 2 Brute
+6   1 Goreshade
7pts 1 reaper
5pts 6 banes
4pts 1 BLT
5pts 3 withershadow
1pts 1 tech 1 scrap
2pts skarlock

5pts 6 banes (feat)

Goreshade list 35
3pts 6 mechs
2pts 1 surgeon
+6   1 Goreshade
7pts 1 reaper
12pts 1 DJ
5pts 6 banes
4pts 1 BLT
5pts 3 withershadow
1pts 1 tech 1 Scrap
2pts skarlock

5pts 6 banes (feat)

Goreshade list 50 (Never played :[)
3pts 6 mechs
2pts 1 surgeon
1pts 1 Brute
+6   1 Goreshade
7pts 1 reaper
9pts 1 Seether
12pts 1 DJ
4pts 1 BLT
5pts 3 withershadow
1pts 1 tech 1 Scrap
4pts 1 Wrathe
2pts 1 skarlock
6pts 6 Knights

5pts 6 banes (feat)

Sneaky preview list of hopefully good things to come!
Terminus +4
5pts 10 Mechs
2pts 2 Brute
2pts 1 Surgeon
7pts Reaper
5pts 6 banes
3pts Bane UA
4pts BLT
5pts withershadow
2pts Skarlock
4pts Wrathe

Yup I am team Termy :) I like gaspy for being so versatile but I've got a soft spot for a giant undead robot dragon man that I just can't ignore. Although unlike other terminus players where if they can't gain souls and can't get an assassination run they Q.Q and lose terribly. I have full intent on playing terminus like I would a normal caster and merely take advantage of assassinations if I see a swell opprotunity to do so :P I like to think of myself as an opprotunist tactician rather than a one trick pony that every termy player seems to be...  I think this list has generally everything I love about cryx :) I might squeeze in another surgeon just to help keep the undead brick alive but I am undecided as of yet. Honestly I hope I can make a list that breaks the mold of terminus list. One idea I had was using scrap thralls instead of mechs for the giggles. In this list I have 9 pts invested in mechs... for 20 models. or i could have 27 scrappies :) maybe cut out some scrappers and put in some techs to make me more scrappers :) Why play plain attrition when I can play esplodey attrition :P